An audio signal of 15kHz frequency cannot be transmitted over long distances without modulation because
An audio signal of 15kHz frequency cannot be transmitted over long distances without modulation because

(a) the size of the required antenna would be at least 5 km which is not convenient

(b) the audio signal can not be transmitted through sky waves

(c) the size of the required antenna would be at least 20 km, which is not convenient

(d) effective power transmitted would be very low, if the size of the antenna is less than 5 km


The correct options are:

(a) the size of the required antenna would be at least 5 km which is not convenient

(b) the audio signal can not be transmitted through sky waves

(d) effective power transmitted would be very low, if the size of the antenna is less than 5 km


The wavelength can be calculated from the given data as follows:

Size of antenna

Size of antenna = 5 km

Low frequency waves make up audio frequency signals. As a result, because audio waves are absorbed by the atmosphere, they cannot be communicated via sky waves. Because of the deviation from resonance of wave wavelength and antenna length if the antenna is less than 5 km in length, the effective power transmission will be relatively low.