How does formation and depletion of ozone take place ?
How does formation and depletion of ozone take place ?

The creation of O3 is the result of UV radiation reacting with O2 or dioxygen molecules. The oxygen molecule is broken into free oxygen or O atoms by UV radiation. Ozone is formed when these O atoms interact with the molecular form of oxygen (O3). It is a thermodynamically unstable molecule with a proclivity for decomposition into molecular oxygen. As a result, the synthesis and destruction of O3 molecules are in a continual dynamic equilibrium.
O2(g) + O(g) + O(g) + O(g) + O(g) + O(g) + O(g) + O(g (in presence of UV Radiation)
O3(g) = O(g) + O2(g) (in presence of UV Radiation)
Ozone Layer Depletion
Over the last decade, we’ve been bombarded with reports concerning the ozone layer’s depletion. Because of the gravity of the crisis, international regulatory authorities such as the UN and governments have joined forces to put an end to the ongoing depletion.