sing the condition of state pV=nRT; show that at a given temperature thickness of a gas is corresponding to gas pressure p.
sing the condition of state pV=nRT; show that at a given temperature thickness of a gas is corresponding to gas pressure p.



The condition of state is given by,


    \[\begin{array}{*{35}{l}} pV\text{ }=\text{ }nRT\text{ }\ldots \text{ }..\left( 1 \right)  \\ ~  \\ Where,\text{ }p\text{ }=\text{ }pressure  \\ ~  \\ V\text{ }=\text{ }volume  \\ ~  \\ N\text{ }=\text{ }number\text{ }of\text{ }moles  \\ ~  \\ R\text{ }=\text{ }Gas\text{ }steady  \\ ~  \\ T\text{ }=\text{ }temp  \\ ~  \\ n/V=P/RT  \\ \end{array}\]

Supplant n with m/M


, thusly,


    \[\begin{array}{*{35}{l}} m/V=p/RT...........\left( 2 \right)  \\ ~  \\ Where\text{ }m=mass  \\ ~  \\ M=\text{ }molar\text{ }mass  \\ ~  \\ In\text{ }any\text{ }case,\text{ }m/V\text{ }=\text{ }d  \\ ~  \\ Where,\text{ }d\text{ }=\text{ }thickness  \\ \end{array}\]

Thusly, from condition (2), we get


    \[\begin{array}{*{35}{l}} d/M=p/RT  \\ ~  \\ d=\left( M/RT \right)P  \\ ~  \\ d\propto p  \\ \end{array}\]

Thusly, at a given temp, the thickness of the gas (d) is relative to its tension (p).