The nth term of an A.P is given by (-4n+15). Find the sum of first 20 terms of this A.P.
The nth term of an A.P is given by (-4n+15). Find the sum of first 20 terms of this A.P.

As per the given information,

The nth term of the A.P =(-4n+15)

So, by putting the value of  n  as 1 and  20 we can find the first and 20th term of the A.P,



{{a}_{20}}=\left( -4\left( 20 \right)+15 \right)=-65

Now, for finding the sum of 20 terms of this A.P we have the first and last term as a=11 and {{a}_{20}}=-65

So, using the formula of sum of n terms of A.P

{{S}_{n}}=n/2\left( a+l \right)

{{S}_{20}}=20/2\left( 11+\left( -65 \right) \right)

=10\left( -54 \right)


Therefore, the sum of first 20 terms of this A.P. is -540.