18. The sum of {{4}^{th}} and {{8}^{th}} terms of an A.P. is 24 and the sum of the {{6}^{th}} and {{10}^{th}} terms is 34. Find the first term and the common difference of the A.P.
18. The sum of {{4}^{th}} and {{8}^{th}} terms of an A.P. is 24 and the sum of the {{6}^{th}} and {{10}^{th}} terms is 34. Find the first term and the common difference of the A.P.

An arithmetic progression or arithmetic sequence is a number’s sequence such that the difference between the consecutive terms is constant.


Given, in an A.P

The sum of {{4}^{th}} and {{8}^{th}} terms of an A.P. is 24


And, we know that {{a}_{n}}=a+\left( n-1 \right)d

\left[ a+\left( 4-1 \right)d \right]+\left[ a+\left( 8-1 \right)d \right]=24

a+5d=12 …. \left( i \right)

Also given that,

the sum of the {{6}^{th}} and {{10}^{th}} terms is 34


\left[ a+5d \right]+\left[ a+9d \right]=34

a+7d=17 …… \left( ii \right)

Subtracting \left( i \right) form \left( ii \right), we have

a+7d-\left( a+5d \right)=17-12



Using d in \left( i \right) we get,

a+5\left( 5/2 \right)=12



Therefore, the first term is -1/2 and the common difference is 5/2.