8. Find the compounded ratio of the following:
8. Find the compounded ratio of the following:

The ratio is used for comparing two quantities of the same kind.

The ratio formula for two numbers says a and b is given by a:b or a/b. When two or more such ratios are equal, they are said to be proportion.

The concept of ratio and proportion is majorly based on ratios and fractions.

(i) 15:16 and 8:5


Given ratio can be written as,

{15}/{16}\;and {8}/{5}\;

={15}/{16}\;\times {8}/{5}\;

=\left( 15\times 8 \right)/\left( 16\times 5 \right)

={\left( 3\times 1 \right)}/{\left( 2\times 1 \right)}\;


Therefore, the compounded ratio of 15:16 and 8:5 is 3:2.

(ii) \left( {{a}^{2}}-{{b}^{2}} \right):\left( {{a}^{2}}+{{b}^{2}} \right)and \left( {{a}^{4}}-{{b}^{4}} \right):{{\left( a+b \right)}^{4}}


Given ratio can be written as,

{\left( {{a}^{2}}-{{b}^{2}} \right)}/{\left( {{a}^{2}}+{{b}^{2}} \right)}\;and {{{\left( {{a}^{4}}-{{b}^{4}} \right)}/{\left( a+b \right)}\;}^{4}}

={\left( {{a}^{2}}-{{b}^{2}} \right)}/{\left( {{a}^{2}}+b{}^{2} \right)}\;\times {{{\left( {{a}^{4}}-{{b}^{4}} \right)}/{\left( a+b \right)}\;}^{4}}

We know that, \left( {{a}^{2}}-{{b}^{2}} \right)=\left( a+b \right)\left( a-b \right)

=\left( \left( a+b \right)\left( a-b \right) \right)/\left( {{a}^{2}}+{{b}^{2}} \right)\times \left( \left( {{a}^{2}}+{{b}^{2}} \right)\left( {{a}^{2}}-{{b}^{2}} \right) \right)

={\left( \left( a-b \right)\left( a+b \right)\left( a-b \right)\left( a+b \right) \right)}/{\left( {{\left( a+b \right)}^{2}}{{\left( a+b \right)}^{2}} \right)}\;

={{{{{\left( a-b \right)}^{2}}}/{\left( a+b \right)}\;}^{2}}

Therefore, the compounded ratio is {{\left( a-b \right)}^{2}}:\left( a+b \right){}^{2}.