Calculate the mean deviation about median age for the age distribution of


persons given below: [Hint Convert the given data into continuous frequency distribution by subtracting


from the lower limit and adding


to the upper limit of each class interval]
Calculate the mean deviation about median age for the age distribution of


persons given below: [Hint Convert the given data into continuous frequency distribution by subtracting


from the lower limit and adding


to the upper limit of each class interval]


The given data is converted into continuous frequency distribution by subtracting


from the lower limit and adding the


to the upper limit of each class intervals and append other columns after calculations.

The class interval containing 




 item is




is the median class.


Median = l + (((N/


) – c)/f) × h

Where, l =


, c =


, f =


, h =


and n =


Median =

    \[35.5+(((50-37))/26)\times 5\]






    \[\sum\limits_{i=1}^{6}{{{f}_{i}}\left| {{x}_{i}}-Med \right|=735}\]

And M.D.(M) =

    \[\frac{1}{N}\sum\limits_{i=1}^{6}{{{f}_{i}}\left| {{x}_{i}}-Med \right|}\]


    \[(1/100)\times 735\]



Therefore, the mean deviationabout the median is
