Calculate the oxidation number of sulphur, chromium and nitrogen in H2SO5, Cr2O2 and NOT. Suggest structure of these compounds. Count for the fallacy. nitrogen in H2SO5, Cr2O2 and NOT. Suggest structure of these compounds. Count for the fallacy.
Calculate the oxidation number of sulphur, chromium and nitrogen in H2SO5, Cr2O2 and NOT. Suggest structure of these compounds. Count for the fallacy. nitrogen in H2SO5, Cr2O2 and NOT. Suggest structure of these compounds. Count for the fallacy.


O.N. of S in H2SO5. By traditional strategy, the O.N. of S in H2SO5 is 2 (+1) + x + 5 (- 2) = 0 or x = +8 This is outlandish on the grounds that the most extreme O.N. of S can’t be more than six since it has just six electrons in the valence shell. This error is survived in the event that we ascertain the O.N. of S by synthetic holding technique. The construction of H2SO5 is

NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 8 Redox Reactions Q5


Accordingly, there is no misrepresentation about the O.N. of N in N03–whether one works out by traditional strategy or by synthetic holding technique.