The diameter of a right circular is 12 m and the slant height is 10 m. Find its curved surface area and the total surface area.
The diameter of a right circular is 12 m and the slant height is 10 m. Find its curved surface area and the total surface area.

According to the given question,

The diameter of a right circular is 12 m.

The slant height of a right circular is 6 m.

We know that, curved surface area = circumference of the base \times height

=2\pi r\times h

=2\times \left( \frac{22}{7} \right)\times 6\times 10


Therefore, the area of curved surface is377.14{{m}^{2}}.

Then, the total surface area = curved surface area +\left( 2\times bas{{e}_{{}}}area \right)

=2\pi rh+2\pi {{r}^{2}}

=2\pi r\left( h+r \right)

=2\times \left( \frac{22}{7} \right)\times 6\times \left( 10+6 \right)

=2\times \left( \frac{22}{7} \right)\times 6\times 16


Therefore, the total surface area is 603.42{{m}^{2}}.