Wavelengths of different radiations are given below :
Wavelengths of different radiations are given below :

λ(A) = 300 nm

λ(B) = 300 μm

λ(c) = 3 nm

λ (D) 30 A°

Arrange these radiations in the increasing order of their energies.




  1. λ(A) = 300 nm

λ(A) = 300 x 10-9 m

λ(A) = 3 x 10 -7 m

  1. λ(B) = 300 μm

λ(B) = 3 00 x 10-6

λ(B) = 3 x 10-4

  1. λ(c) = 3 nm

λ(c) = 3 x 10 – 9

  1. λ (D) 30 A° = 3 X 10 – 9

According to Planck’s quantum theory,

Increasing order of the given wavelengths – λ(c) = λ(D) < λ(A) < λ(B)

Increasing order of energy is the opposite –  λ(B) < λ(A) : <λ(c) = λ (D)