Write Lewis symbols for the following atoms and ions: Sand S ^{2}-; Al and Al ^{3+} ; H and H ^{-}
Write Lewis symbols for the following atoms and ions: Sand S ^{2}-; Al and Al ^{3+} ; H and H ^{-}


For S and S2-

A sulphur atom has only 6 valence electrons, which is a very small number. As a result, the Lewis dot symbol for the letter S is




The presence of a bi-negative charge on sulphur indicates that it has gained two electrons since its formation. As a result, six valance electrons plus two electrons gained an electron each.

As a result, the Lewis dot symbol is




For Al and Al3+

The valence electrons in an aluminum atom are only three in number. As a result, the Lewis dot symbols for Al are as follows:



The presence of a tri-positive charge on aluminum indicates that it has donated three electrons to the process.

As a result, the Lewis dot symbol is



For H and H

A hydrogen atom has only one valence electron, which is the most common type of electron. As a result, the Lewis dot symbol for the letter H is



The fact that hydrogen has a single negative charge indicates that it has gained one electron. As a result, one valance electron was gained in addition to one gained electron.

As a result, the Lewis dot symbol is