
Nuclei with magic no. of proton Z=2,8,20,28,50,52 and magic no. of neutrons N=2,8,20,28,50,82 and 126 are found to be very stable
(i) Verify this by calculating the proton separation energy Sp for \operatorname Sn^ {120}(\mathrm{Z}=50) and \mathrm Sb^ {121}=(\mathrm{Z}=51). The proton separation energy for a nuclide is the minimum energy required to separate the least tightly bound proton from a nucleus of that nuclide. It is given by \mathrm{Sp}=\left(\mathrm{M}_{\mathrm{z}-1}, \mathrm{~N}+\mathrm{M}_{\mathrm{H}}-\mathrm{M}_{\mathrm{Z}, \mathrm{N}}\right) \mathrm{c}^{2}. Given \ln ^{119}=118.9058 \mathrm{u}, \mathrm{Sn}^{120}=119.902199 \mathrm{u},  \mathrm{Sb}^{121}=120.903824 \mathrm{u},  \mathrm{H}^{1}=1.0078252 \mathrm{u}
(ii) What does the existence of magic number indicate?

i) The proton separation energy is given by, $\mathrm{SpSn}=(\mathrm{M} 119.70+\mathrm{Mh}-\mathrm{M} 120.70) \mathrm{c}^{2}=0.0114362 \mathrm{c}^{2}$ Similarly we have, $\mathrm{SpSp}=(\mathrm{M}...

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The deuteron is bound by nuclear forces just as \mathrm{H}-atom is made up of \mathrm{p} and e bound by electrostatic forces. If we consider the force between neutron and proton in deuteron as given in the form of a Coulomb potential but with an effective charge \mathrm{e}^{\prime}: F=\frac{1}{4 \Pi \epsilon_{0}} \frac{e^{\prime 2}}{r} estimate the value of \left(\mathrm{e}^{\prime} / \mathrm{e}\right) given that the binding energy of a deuteron is 2.2 \mathrm{MeV}.

The binding energy of $\mathrm{H}$ atom is given as $\mathrm{E}=13.6 \mathrm{eV}$ The reduced $\mathrm{m}^{\prime}$ is given as $918 \mathrm{~m}$ The mass of a neutron or a proton is given as...

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Sometimes a radioactive nucleus decays into a nucleus which itself is radioactive. An example is
Sulphur^{38}\frac{\text { half-life }\longrightarrow}{=2.48 h}Cl^{38}\frac{\text { half-life }\longrightarrow}{=0.62 h}Ar^{38}(Stable)
Assume that we start with 1000 38S nuclei at time t=0. The number of Cl^{38} is of count zero at t=0 and will again be zero at t=\infty. At what value of t, would the number of counts be a maximum?

Let the disintegration constants for $S^{38}$ and $Cl^{38}$ be $\lambda_ 1$ and $\lambda_ 2$ respectively. $\mathrm dN_1 / \mathrm{dt}=-\lambda N_{1}$ $\mathrm dN_2 / \mathrm{dt}=$ rate of decay of...

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Consider a radioactive nucleus A which decays to a stable nucleus \mathrm{C} through the following sequence: \mathrm{A} \rightarrow \mathrm{B} \rightarrow \mathrm{C} Here \mathrm{B} is an intermediate nuclei which is also radioactive. Considering that there are \mathrm{N}_{0} atoms of A initially, plot the graph showing the variation of number of atoms of A and B versus time.

  At $\mathrm{t}=0,$ $\mathrm{~N}_{\mathrm{A}}=\mathrm{N}_{0}$ As time passes, $N_A$ decreases exponentially, while the number of atoms in B increases, reaches its maximum, and then decays to...

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Tritium is an isotope of hydrogen whose nucleus Triton contains 2 neutrons and 1 proton. Free neutrons decay into P+\bar{e}+\bar{v}. If one of the neutrons in Triton decays, it would transform into He3 nucleus. This does not happen. This is because
(a) Triton energy is less than that of a \mathrm{He}^{3} nucleus
(b) the electron created in the beta decay process cannot remain in the nucleus
(c) both the neutrons in triton have to decay simultaneously resulting in a nucleus with 3 protons, which is not a \mathrm{He}^{3} nucleus
(d) because free neutrons decay due to external perturbations which is absent in a triton nucleus

The correct option is: (a) Triton energy is less than that of a $\mathrm{He}^{3}$ nucleus

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Suppose we consider a large number of containers each containing initially 10000 atoms of a radioactive material with a half-life of 1 year. After 1 year
(a) all the containers will have 5000 atoms of the material
(b) all the containers will contain the same number of atoms of the material but that number will only be approximately 5000
(c) the containers will, in general, have different numbers of the atoms of the material but their average will be close to 5000
(d) none of the containers can have more than 5000 atoms

The correct option is: (c) the containers will, in general, have different numbers of the atoms of the material but their average will be close to 5000

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A long straight cable of length I is placed symmetrically along the z-axis and has radius a. The cable consists of a thin wire and a co-axial conducting tube. An alternating current I(t)=I_{0} sin (2\pi vt) flows down the central thin wire and returns along the co-axial conducting tube. The induced electric field at a distance s from the wire inside the cable is \mathbf{E}(\mathrm{s}, \mathrm{t})=\mu_{0} \mathrm{l}_{0} \mathrm{~V} cos (2\pi vt). In \left(\frac{s}{a}\right) \hat{k},
compare the conduction current 10 with the displacement current I_{0}^{\mathrm{d}}

The displacement will be, $I_{0}^{\mathrm{d}} / \mathrm{I}_{0}=(\mathrm{am} / \lambda)^{2}$

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Seawater at frequency v=4 \times 10^8 \mathrm{~Hz} has permittivity \varepsilon=80 \varepsilon_{0}, permeability \mu=\mu_{0} and resistivity \rho= 0.25 \Omega \mathrm{m}. Imagine a parallel plate capacitor immersed in seawater and driven by an alternating voltage source V(t)=V_{0} \sin (2 \pi v t) . What fraction of the conduction current density is the displacement current density?

The separation between the plates of the capacitor is given as $V(t)=V_{0} \sin (2 \pi v t)$ Ohm's law for the conduction of current density is given as $\mathrm{J}_{0}{...

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An EM wave of intensity I falls on a surface kept in vacuum and exerts radiation pressure p on it. Which of the following are true?
a) radiation pressure is \mathrm{I} / \mathrm{c} if the wave is totally absorbed
b) radiation pressure is I / c if the wave is totally reflected
c) radiation pressure is 2 \mathrm{I} / \mathrm{c} if the wave is totally reflected
d) radiation pressure is in the range I / c<p<2 I / c for real surface

The correct options are: a) radiation pressure is $\mathrm{l} / \mathrm{c}$ if the wave is totally absorbed c) radiation pressure is $2 \mathrm{l} / \mathrm{c}$ if the wave is totally reflected d)...

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Two cylindrical hollow drums of radii R and 2R and of a common height h, are rotating with angular velocities ω (anti-clockwise) and ω (clockwise) respectively. Their axes, fixed are parallel and in a horizontal plane separated by (3R + δ). They are now brought in contact (\delta \rightarrow 0)
What would be the ratio of final angular velocities when friction ceases?

The anticlockwise and clockwise angular velocities of the drum are $\omega_{1}$ and $\omega_{2}$ respectively. When the velocities are equal, there is no force of friction and it is given as...

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A disc of radius R is rotating with an angular speed \omega_{o} about a horizontal axis. It is placed on a horizontal table. The coefficient of kinetic friction is \mu_{k}.
a) what condition should be satisfied for rolling to being?
b) calculate the time taken for the rolling to being

a) The condition that needs to be satisfied is $v_{cm}=\omega_{o}R$ b) Frictional force is responsible for allowing rolling motion to occur without the disc slipping.

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A disc of radius R is rotating with an angular speed \omega_{o} about a horizontal axis. It is placed on a horizontal table. The coefficient of kinetic friction is \mu_{k}.
a) what was the velocity of its centre of mass before being brought in contact with the table?
b) what happens to the linear velocity of a point on its rim when placed in contact with the table?

a) Before coming into contact with the table, the disc was rotating, and $v_{cm}=0$ was the rest. b) When the revolving disc comes into contact with the table, the linear velocity of the disc...

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Two discs of moments of inertia I_{1} and I_{2} about their respective axes and rotating with angular speed \omega_{1} and \omega_{2} are brought into contact face to face with their axes of rotation coincident.
a) does the law of conservation of angular momentum apply to the situation? why?
b) find the angular speed of the two-disc system

a) Because there is no external torque on the system and the gravitational and normal reactions to external forces have net torque zero, the equation of conservation of angular momentum can be...

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(n-1) equal point masses each of mass m are placed at the vertices of a regular n-polygon. The vacant vertex has a position vector concerning the centre of the polygon. Find the position vector of the centre of mass.

$r_{c m}=\frac{(n-1) m b+m a}{(n-1) m+m}$ is given Where, ${r_{cm}}$ The position of mass $m$ at the $n^{th}$ vertex is called. $r_{\mathrm{cm}}=0$ $\frac{(n-1) m b+m a}{(n-1) m+m}=0$ $(n-1) m b+m...

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A wheel in uniform motion about an axis passing through its centre and perpendicular to its plane is considered to be in mechanical equilibrium because no net external force or torque is required to sustain its motion. However, the particles that constitute the wheel do experience a centripetal acceleration directed towards the centre. How do you reconcile this fact with the wheel being in equilibrium? How would you set a half-wheel into uniform motion about an axis passing through the centre of mass of the wheel and perpendicular to its plane? Will you require external forces to sustain the motion?

A wheel is a stiff elastic body with a consistent motion that passes through its center, perpendicular to the wheel's plane. Due to elastic force, every particle of the wheel receives a centripetal...

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Choose the correct alternatives:
a) for a general rotational motion, angular momentum L and angular velocity ω need not be parallel
b) for a rotational motion about a fixed axis, angular momentum L and angular velocity ω are always parallel
c) for a general translational motion, momentum p and velocity v is always parallel
d) for a general translational motion, acceleration a and velocity v are always parallel

a) Angular momentum L and angular velocity ω do not have to be parallel for a general rotating motion. c) Momentum p and velocity v are always parallel in a typical translational motion.

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Einstein’s mass-energy relation emerging out of his famous theory of relativity relates mass (m) to energy (E) as E=mc^{2}, where c is the speed of light in vacuum. At the nuclear level, the magnitudes of energy are very small. The energy at nuclear level is usually measured in MeV where !MeV=1.6\times 10^{-13}J, the masses are measured in unified equivalent of 1u is 931.5 MeV.
a) Show that the energy equivalent of 1 u is 931.5 MeV.
b) A student writes the relation as 1 u = 931.5 MeV. The teacher points out that the relation is dimensionally incorrect. Write the correct relation.

a) The energy that is comparable to a given mass can be computed using Einstein's mass-energy relation. $1amu=1u=1.67\times 10^{-27}kg$ On Applying $E=mc^{2}$ we get, E = 931.5 MeV b) As $E=mc^{2}$...

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In an experiment to estimate the size of a molecule of oleic acid, 1mL of oleic acid is dissolved in 19mL of alcohol. Then 1mL of this solution is diluted to 20mL by adding alcohol. Now, 1 drop of this diluted solution is placed on water in a shallow trough. The solution spreads over the surface of water forming one molecule thick layer. Now, lycopodium powder is sprinkled evenly over the film we can calculate the thickness of the film which will give us the size of oleic acid molecule.
Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions:
a) What would be the volume of oleic acid in each mL of solution prepared?
b) How will you calculate the volume of n drops of this solution of oleic.

a) 1 mL of oleic acid is found in every 20 mL of oleic acid. This signifies that 1/20 mL of oleic acid is present in each mL of solution. Adding alcohol dilutes 1 mL of this solution to 20 mL. As a...

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