CBSE Maths Class 11 question papers
CBSE Maths Class 11 question papers

CBSE, the short form of The Central Board of Secondary Education, is a board of education controlled by the Central Government of India. Thousands of schools across India and few countries abroad are affiliated with the Board. NCERT defines the curriculum followed by CBSE schools.

One of the proper ways to prepare for the CBSE class 11 2022-22 examination is to practice subject-wise sample question papers. In Maths, it is imperative to solve the sample papers to get a better idea about the question-answer pattern and revise the chapters repeatedly; You get a fair idea about marks distribution and weightage topics. Regular practice of question papers helps students score better in their Class 11 exams.

Today, we will talk in detail about the syllabus of CBSE Maths Class 11, topics that have been added or removed from previous years, the weightage of units, the evaluation pattern, marks distribution, why you should practice CBSE Maths Class 11 Question Papers, tips to be well-prepared for Class 11 Maths, and more.

CBSE Maths Class XI Table of Content for the Exam/Question Paper

Units and topics of CBSE Class 11 Maths paper

Unit 1 – Sets and FunctionsSets, Relations and Functions, Trigonometric functions
Unit II – AlgebraMathematical Induction principles, quadratic equations, complex numbers, binomial theorem, linear inequalities, permutations and combinations, and sequence and series.
Unit III – Coordinate GeometryStraight Lines, introduction to 3-D geometry, and Conic sections including an ellipse, cone, parabola, and hyperbola sections.
Unit IV – CalculusLimits & Derivatives
Unit V – Mathematical ReasoningConcepts of Mathematical reasoning consisting of mathematically acceptable statements, connecting phrases and words, validation of statements.
Unit VI – Statistics & ProbabilityStatistics including dispersion and Probability including sample spaces and outcomes of random experiments, events, and the Probability of not, or & and events.

The CBSE Class 11 Maths syllabus has been regained 100% back to the syllabus of 2019-20. For 2020-21, the syllabus was reduced by almost 30% because of the pandemic. The revised chapters and topics have been mentioned in the table above. Students need to take their Class 11 Maths syllabus seriously and master all chapters and topics because in competitive exams like JEE, questions appear from the Class 11 Maths syllabus.

Weightage of Topics/Chapters for Class 11 Maths

a. Chapter-wise weightage table.

UnitChapterMain focus topicsMarks Distribution
Unit ISets and FunctionsTrigonometric Functions, Sets and Relations & Functions29
Unit IIAlgebraLinear Inequalities, equations, sequence and series, Permutations, Combinations, Complex numbers, and quadratic37
Unit IIICoordinate GeometryConic sections, straight lines, 3-D Geometry introduction.13
Unit IVCalculus 6
Unit VMathematical Reasoning 3
Unit VIStatistics & Probability 12

Students need to notice that they can score 100 marks in theory with proper preparation of the CBSE Class 11 Maths syllabus. For this, they must revise and practice the CBSE Maths Class 11 Previous Year Question Papers as much as possible. Earlier, they could score only 80 marks in theory, and twenty marks were awarded to students based on internal assessments at school. This year it has changed. It is also advised that students practice sample CBSE Maths Class 11 Question Papers available online to better grasp the topics and the exam pattern.

How to Prepare Well for Cbse Class 11 Maths?

Firstly, Science students who have chosen Maths as their compulsory subject in Class 11 need to realize the significance of mastering it. Competitive exams like engineering entrance tests in India feature questions from the syllabus covered in Class 11. So, you need to be sure that you understand all concepts well and keep revising NCERT Maths Class 11 Previous Year Question Papers 2021 for clarity and enhanced scores.

Let us share some secrets about preparing with confidence for CBSE Class 11 Maths:

1.    Your preparations need to be very well-planned.

Planning always helps – make a schedule that you will stick to by including your daily activities and studies. When you make a timetable for your studies, make sure you distribute the time well between all subjects. For every subject, divide the time equally between all the topics. This way, you will be able to cover all topics with enough time on hand, irrespective of whether you love the topics or are scared of them.

2.     Prepare from sample papers

Maths is a subject that requires an understanding of concepts and fundamentals. One of the optimum ways to check your level of understanding is to keep attempting sample questions papers prepared on the lines of the CBSE paper. You can find several resources online where subject-matter experts design the papers. The best part about solving the sample papers has solution sheets to analyze your performance and realize your mistakes. You also get to see how the papers need to be solved, the steps to be covered and mentioned, etc.

3.     Make short notes.

Remember to make notes on every topic that you are covering. In this way, you do not have to reread the entire chapter during revision. Also, just before the exams, you can go through the notes to brush up on your basics and concepts.

4.  Remember to practice CBSE Maths Class 11 Previous Year Question Papers 2021

You should make it a habit to rehearse the previous years’ maths question papers. If not possible, you should at least attempt the 2021 question paper. Going through the last year’s papers helps you get accustomed to the exam and scoring pattern. You also get to understand the type of questions that come from different chapters. Overall, it enables you to gain confidence in Maths.

Frequently Asked Questions of CBSE Class 11 Maths

1. Why is the CBSE Maths Class 11 syllabus so crucial for my future studies?

If you are keen to pursue engineering, architecture, or planning courses after Class 12, you will generally need to appear for competitive exams like JEE. The exam pattern of these competitive exams is such that questions are given from classes 11 and 12. It means that you need to be well-versed with the syllabus of Class 11 and 12 to score better in JEE and other such exams. The better the scores, the better the chances of getting seats at prestigious institutes like IITs. Hence, Maths Class 11 CBSE syllabus is very crucial. Also, many topics in Class 12 will be based on Class 11 basics. Thus, make sure that you are thorough with the Class 11 Maths syllabus.

2. Tell me more about the exam pattern of the CBSE Class 11 Maths paper.

The paper has questions from six units – Sets and Functions, Algebra, Coordinate Geometry, Calculus, Mathematical Reasoning, and Statistics and Probability. The total mark is 100, and you have to complete the entire paper in three hours.

3. Which topic is the most important in CBSE Class 11 Maths syllabus?

For CBSE Class 11 examination, the units Algebra and Sets and Functions are the two most important chapters. These are also top-scoring topics, so you should be well-prepared to get high marks. Besides these two topics, ensure that you pay attention to the other four units too. Statistics, Probability, and Geometry are crucial too, and your practice will ensure that you get good scores. Focus on Calculus also because the topic will be covered in more detail in Class 12.