When there is a response between lessening specialist and oxidizing specialist, a compound is framed which has lower oxidation number if the diminishing specialist is in abundance and a compound is shaped which has higher oxidation number if the oxidizing specialist is in overabundance.
(I) and are decreasing and oxidizing specialist individually.
In an overabundance measure of is responded with , then, at that point, would be created, where the oxidation no. of is
Assuming is responded with overabundance of , would be delivered, where the oxidation no. of is .
(ii) and goes about as a lessening specialist and oxidizing specialist individually.
On the off chance that an overabundance of responds with , it produces . Here, the oxidation number of 0 is .
On the off chance that responds with an overabundance of , it produces , where the oxidation number of is .
(iii) and goes about as a decreasing specialist and oxidizing specialist individually.
On the off chance that an overabundance measure of is responded with inadequate measure of , then, at that point, it produces , where the oxidation
number of is .
In the event that is singed in abundance measure of , is created, where the oxidation number of is .